Microneedling with Exosomes


Discover the pinnacle of skincare innovation with microneedling augmented by exosomes at our Orlando, FL clinic. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Ryan Ramos, our team offers a revolutionary approach to skin rejuvenation, harnessing the regenerative power of exosomes to unveil a brighter, smoother complexion.

What is Microneedling with Exosomes?

Microneedling with exosomes is a cutting-edge skincare treatment that combines the benefits of microneedling with the regenerative properties of exosomes. Exosomes are extracellular vesicles containing growth factors, cytokines, and other signaling molecules derived from stem cells. When applied to the skin during microneedling, exosomes stimulate collagen production, enhance tissue repair, and promote cellular regeneration, leading to visible improvements in skin texture, tone, and elasticity.

Who is a Good Candidate?

Microneedling with exosomes is ideal for individuals seeking to address a variety of skincare concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, uneven texture, and pigmentation issues. Whether you’re looking to refresh your complexion, minimize the signs of aging, or improve the appearance of scars, our skilled skincare experts will customize a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals.

What is the Recovery Like?

The recovery process from microneedling with exosomes is typically minimal, with most patients experiencing mild redness, swelling, and sensitivity in the treated areas. These side effects usually subside within a few days, and you can resume your normal activities shortly after treatment. Over time, as the exosomes work to stimulate collagen production and tissue regeneration, you’ll notice a gradual improvement in the appearance and texture of your skin.

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What are the steps?

Microneedling with exosomes involves several steps to rejuvenate and revitalize the skin:

What is the Cost of Microneedling with Exosomes in Orlando, FL?

The cost of microneedling with exosomes can vary depending on factors such as the extent of treatment and any additional enhancements recommended. To receive a personalized quote and learn more about our pricing options, schedule a consultation with our team at our Orlando clinic.


Microneedling with exosomes works by creating controlled micro-injuries in the skin, promoting collagen production and enhancing the absorption of exosomes, which stimulate tissue repair, cellular regeneration, and overall skin rejuvenation.

Yes, microneedling with exosomes can be combined with other cosmetic procedures to enhance overall results. Our skincare experts will customize a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals.

While you may experience some mild discomfort during the microneedling process, the treatment is generally well-tolerated by most patients. Our team takes every measure to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.

The results of microneedling with exosomes can vary depending on factors such as the depth of treatment and your skincare routine. With proper maintenance and sun protection, you can enjoy long-lasting improvements in skin texture, tone, and overall appearance.

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