EmSculpt & EmTone

Body Toning in Orlando, FL

Embark on your journey towards a sculpted and toned physique with EmSculpt and EmTone body contouring treatments at Ageless Aesthetics Orlando. Dr. Ryan Francis Ramos, a board-certified surgeon renowned for his commitment to innovation and excellence, leads the way in providing safe and effective aesthetic procedures.

What is EmSculpt?

EmSculpt and EmTone are advanced non-invasive treatments designed to sculpt and tone the body by targeting stubborn fat and improving skin texture. These innovative procedures use electromagnetic energy to stimulate muscle contractions and enhance collagen production, resulting in firmer muscles and smoother skin.

Who is a Good Candidate for EmSculpt and EmTone?

Ideal candidates for EmSculpt and EmTone body contouring in Orlando are individuals seeking to improve muscle tone, reduce stubborn fat, and enhance skin texture. Whether you desire a more sculpted abdomen or smoother thighs, Dr. Ramos will assess your candidacy during a comprehensive consultation to determine if these treatments are right for you.

What to expect after EMSculpt?

After receiving EmSculpt and EmTone body contouring treatments, some individuals may experience mild muscle soreness or redness in the treated area. However, these side effects are temporary and typically resolve within a few days. Dr. Ramos and his team will provide you with post-procedure instructions to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results.

Semaglutide Orlando, FL

What is the Cost of EmSculpt in Orlando, FL?

The cost of EmSculpt and EmTone body contouring may vary depending on factors such as the number of treatment sessions needed and the size of the treated area. To learn more about pricing options and to schedule your consultation with Dr. Ramos, contact us today.


EmSculpt and EmTone treatments work by utilizing advanced non-invasive technology to target stubborn fat and improve muscle tone and skin texture. EmSculpt uses electromagnetic energy to induce powerful muscle contractions, resulting in increased muscle strength and definition. On the other hand, EmTone employs a combination of radiofrequency and mechanical massage to enhance collagen production, leading to smoother, firmer skin. Together, these treatments provide comprehensive body sculpting and contouring results.

While EmSculpt and EmTone treatments are generally safe, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as temporary muscle soreness, redness, or swelling in the treated area. These side effects typically subside within a few days after the treatment session. Rarely, more serious complications such as skin burns or allergic reactions may occur, but Dr. Ramos and his team take precautions to minimize the risk of such occurrences through careful treatment planning and patient monitoring.

The timeline for experiencing results with EmSculpt and EmTone can vary depending on individual factors such as the treated area, the number of sessions, and the patient’s body composition. Some individuals may notice improvements in muscle tone and skin texture after just a few treatment sessions, while optimal results are typically achieved after a series of sessions spaced a few days apart. Dr. Ramos will monitor your progress closely and provide personalized recommendations to help you achieve your desired outcomes.

Yes, EmSculpt and EmTone treatments can be combined with other aesthetic procedures to enhance overall body contouring results. Dr. Ramos may recommend complementary treatments such as CoolSculpting for targeted fat reduction or laser skin tightening for additional skin rejuvenation. By customizing a comprehensive treatment plan, Dr. Ramos ensures that you receive the most effective and personalized care to achieve your aesthetic goals.

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